
Open garden

Latest News - 2021 Open Day attracted an attendance of 600 adults plus 300 children. Our donation to Perennial this year will be £3.767


From 2003 to 2021 the gardens have been open for charity, raising money for Perennial-Gardeners' Royal Benevolent Society.

In 2003 the 10th August open day turned out to be the hottest day for years. The temperature reached 32 degrees in the garden, a real test of public support with beaches so close. It was a very successful day and we raised a substantial sum for Perennial.




Over the last eighteen years we have had lovely hot summers days with lots of visitors, many new to the garden. Each time our volunteers have turned out in force and without their help it would be impossible to do. We have managed to donate in total the sum  of £40,473 to Perennial during this period.


Openday slideshow




The gardens have also had organised visits from time to time including Womens' Institutes, Scouts, Camera Clubs and Sussex Wildlife Trust.


If you would like to visit, please contact us


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